Our ESG strategy is focused on ensuring long-term business resilience and creating shared value for our investors and all other stakeholders. In line with this spirit, Arpinge has been promoting an investment model that takes into account the economic, social and environmental aspects of its business initiatives in an integrated way. We are strongly oriented towards the development of sustainable investments, which are intended as actions taken intentionally to generate measurable social and/or environmental impacts, including by implementing appropriate governance arrangements and ensuring maximum transparency with stakeholders.
In particular, the Group adopts a combination of the following ESG strategies for the selection and management of its investments.
ESG integration
Thematic investment
Stewardship ed engagement
Impact investing
These strategies are fully integrated into our investment process, which consists of the following steps:
- Definition of the investment strategy
- Go/No Go analysis
- Desk and due diligence analysis
- Investment decision and implementation
- Monitoring/divestment
Specifically, investment analysis includes a systematic assessment of:
- Risks and opportunities arising from climate change, both physical (acute and chronic) and transitional (policy, legal, technological, market, reputation), including by using scenario analysis;
- Alignment of the initiative with the European Taxonomy on environmentally sustainable activities, in terms of technical screening criteria, Do Not Significant Harm (DNSH) principle, and minimum safeguards;
- Stakeholders potentially affected, either positively or negatively, by the initiative, their needs and expectations, as well as the Group’s resulting priorities and actions.
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