Arpinge adopts the governance principles inspired by the corporate governance code for listed companies prepared by the association of Italian joint-stock companies Assonime, as well as those used by asset management companies.
The management autonomy, the transparency and traceability of decision-making processes, the professionalism and collegiality of analyses and consequent decisions, and the presence of well-structured control system are the company’s main credentials.
The company adopts the professionalism and good repute criteria based on those required by supervisory bodies to work in the financial and credit sectors. In addition, in its Code of Ethics, Arpinge adopts strict principles of incompatibility between the Group governance positions and business relationships of any kind and at any level.
Board of Directors
The company is administered by a Board of Directors made up of four directors, including the Chairman.
The Board of Directors determines the company’s general strategies and objectives, as well as its investment policies and industry priorities, and approves investment and divestment transactions.
Federico Merola CEO
Cristiano Cremoli Chairman
Massimo Trotta Board Member
Paolo Bernasconi Board Member
Board of Statutory Auditors
The Board of Statutory Auditors is responsible for ensuring compliance with the law and the Articles of Association, the principles of sound and prudent administration and, in particular, the adequacy of the company’s organizational, administrative and reporting system, as well as its actual functioning.
Pier Giorgio Cempella Chairman
Massimo Cavallari Standing Statutory Auditor
Giuseppe Grazia Standing Statutory Auditor
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee is made up of the CEO and two independent members, selected based on their proven experience in the infrastructure and/or real estate sectors. It is a technical advisory body, which gives a reasoned opinion on each investment decision examined by Arpinge. In particular, the Investment Committee assesses, in technical and collegial terms, the proposed transactions and their compliance with the investment and management policies and strategies defined by the Board of Directors, taking into account the different areas of risk/attention related to management choices.
Giovanni Canepa Indipendent Member
Marco Cecchi de’ Rossi Indipendent Member
Oversight Body
The Oversight Body is an autonomous and independent body which oversees the correct application of the Organization, Management and Control Model provided for in Legislative Decree No 231/2001, governing corporate liability for offences committed in the company’s interest by top managers or employees and supervising over its enforcement. Both Arpinge and its sub-holdings and the main portfolio companies have a dedicated Oversight Body.
Audit Firm
Statutory auditing is carried out by KPMG.
Arpinge S.p.a.
tel + 39 0697605434
fax +39 06 92943374
Partita IVA e Codice Fiscale: 12539251004
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