Arpinge attended at conference “Energia tra guerra e pace”, Milan 7 November 2022

Arpinge attended at conference “Energia tra guerra e pace” organized by The Adam Smith Society, which took place in Milan on 7 November 2022.

In particular, on behalf of Arpinge, the CEO Federico Merola spoke at the conference.

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Arpinge attended at conference “Climate Change: La risposta dei mercati finanziari” 14 July 2022

Arpinge attended at conference “Climate Change: La risposta dei mercati finanziari” organized by Politecnico di Milano on 14 July 2022.

In particular, on behalf of Arpinge, the CEO Federico Merola spoke at the conference in the speech “L’approccio alla gestione dei rischi climatici per un investitore istituzionale“.

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Arpinge attended at conference “La stagione del Partenariato Pubblico Privato nell’ambito del PNRR”, 17 May 2022

Arpinge attended at conference “La stagione del Partenariato Pubblico Privato nell’ambito del PNRR”  organized by Mercatorum University on 17 May 2022.

In particular, on behalf of Arpinge, the CEO Federico Merola spoke at the conference in the panel “Concessioni e PPP per gli investitori istituzionali: nuove proposte di policy“.

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Arpinge attended at Energy Forum”Transition Unchained. Rimuovere i vincoli alla mobilità sostenibile”, Cernobbio 11 March 2022

Arpinge attended at Energy Forum “Transition Unchained. Rimuovere i vincoli alla mobilità sostenibile”  organized by The Adam Smith Society on 11 March 2022.

In particular, on behalf of Arpinge, the CEO Federico Merola spoke at the conference in the panel “Le sfide della transizione energetica“.

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Arpinge attended at the conference “V Annual Forum Pharma, Healthcare & Life Sciences”, Milan 26 November 2021

Arpinge attended at the conference “V Annual Forum Pharma, Healthcare & Life Sciences”  organized by law firm Chiomenti on 26 November 2021.

In particular, on behalf of Arpinge, the CEO Federico Merola spoke at the conference in the panel “PPPs in Healthcare: lessons learned, challenges and digital transition in a post-pandemic environment“.

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Arpinge attended at the talk on web”Partenariato Pubblico Privato e rigenerazione urbana 2.Finanza innovativa, mobilità e riorganizzazione policentrica dei territori metropolitani”, 14 October 2021

Arpinge attended at the talk on web “Partenariato Pubblico Privato e rigenerazione urbana 2.Finanza innovativa, mobilità e riorganizzazione policentrica dei territori metropolitani” organized by IFEL on 14 October 2021.

In particular, on behalf of Arpinge, the CEO Federico Merola spoke at the conference.

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Arpinge attended at the webinar FeBAF “V giornata dell’Investitore Istituzionale” on 20 July 2021

Arpinge attended at the webinar “V giornata dell’Investitore Istituzionale“, organized by FeBAF on 20 July 2021.

In particular, on behalf of Arpinge, the CEO Federico Merola spoke at the conference in the panel “Panoramica dei modelli europei di finanziamento e ricapitalizzazione delle PMI”.

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Arpinge attended at the webinar “Best practices in funding and financing of road infrastructure –Outcomes”, 28 january 2021

Arpinge attended at the webinar “Best practices in funding and financing of road infrastructure –Outcomes”, organized by PIARC on 28 january 2021.

In particular, on behalf of Arpinge, the CEO Federico Merola spoke at the conference.

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Arpinge attended at the webinar “Nuovi attori e nuovi capitali per lo sviluppo del territorio”, 5 November 2020

Arpinge attended at the webinar “Nuovi attori e nuovi capitali per lo sviluppo del territorio“, organized by Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà on 5 november 2020.

In particular, on behalf of Arpinge, the CEO Federico Merola spoke at the conference.

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